A selected list of security reviews and public audit reports that I've worked on.
FebEthereum Name Service (ENS) âž« .eth Permanent Registrar & Root
MarToken Foundry âž« Daisy Subscription contracts
AprAztec âž« CreditMint / Aztec Protocol
JunAragon âž« Payroll and Passive Pricefeed (PPF)
SepSlock.it âž« Trustless Incentivized Remote Node Network (INCUBED).
JanThe LAO âž« Moloch DAO v2 (The LAO)
JanSkale âž« Skale Network Delegations & Token (ERC777)
MariExec âž« PoCo (Proof of Contribution) protocol
AprLukso âž« rICO - Reversible Initial Coin Offering
MayLien Finance âž« Smart contract (Fairswap & Oracle) audit
MayBalancer âž« Balancer-core Architecture & Portfolio Manager
JunFlexa âž« Amp Token and Collateral Manager
JulNimbus âž« Ethereum Beacon Chain Client
OctSkale âž« Skale Network Architecture
NovPillar âž« Wallets, and payment network
JaniExec âž« eRLC KYC-enabled ERC-20 (ERC-677) tokens
FebPool Together âž« Governance token
FebDeFiner âž« SavingAccount protocol
MarDeFi Saver âž« V3 Architecture
AprGitcoin âž« GTC Token Distribution and Governance
MayNUTS Finance âž« BTCPlus and Plus assets framework
JunIdle Finance âž« Dynamic Tranches
AugpStake Finance âž« Liquid Staking Architecture
AugConnext & Wonderland âž« xTokens - xERC20